SFWA Nebula Awards Conference
May 17, 2018 — May 20, 2018
Pittsburgh Marriott City Center, 112 Washington Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 get directions
I’m excited to return to the Nebula Conference in Pittsburgh, PA this May, where I’ll be on panel programming and (because it was great fun) doing more Office Hours consultations with writers looking for support writing fight scenes, world-building, dialogue, administrating a workshop, etc. You can learn more about the conference here.
Here’s where you can find me specifically:
Friday, May 18:
10-11 AM: We’re New Here: How to Navigate Being an “Emerging Author”
At some point, every published creator was a newcomer to their field. This panel will bring together both established creators and those in the early years of their careers to talk about the challenges they’ve faced in the publishing world and what they’ve learned about navigating through them.
1-2 PM, 3-5 PM: Office Hours!
You’ll find me in the company of many excellent sf pros and subject experts here, ready to consult on a variety of topics. If you’re keen to work on world-building, dialogue writing, brainstorming plot and stakes, workshop technique, and drafting realistic fight scenes, come see me!
Sunday, May 20:
1 PM: Mass Autographing
Once again in great company, I’ll be at the public Mass Autographing just before departing for home, armed with great swag & copies of The Nine! There are dozens of authors participating. Look for me among your favorites by checking this list.